
Rocío Garriga. La Doble Imagen
YEAR: 2023
Catalogue published on the occasion of Rocío Garriga's solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, La Doble Imagen.

David Beltrán. Archaeology of Color
YEAR: 2020
Catalogue published on the occasion of David Beltrán's solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Archaeology of Color.
Text by Gerardo Mosquera

Chromatic Archives. Recent Work by Enrique Brinkmann
YEAR: 2020
Catalogue published on the occasion of Enrique Brinkmann's solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Chromatic Archives.

Marisa González. Love and Memory
YEAR: 2019
Catalogue published on the occasion of Marisa González's solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Love and Memory.
Text by Susana Blas

Rites of Passage. Body as Symbol and Operator of Symbols
YEAR: 2019
Catalogue published on the occasion of the group exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Rites of Passage. Body as Symbol and Operator of Symbols, curated by Nieves Correa, including works by artists Eugènia Ballcels, Denys Blacker, Nieves Correa, Esther Ferrer, Concha Jerez and Ángels Ribé.
Text by Nieves Correa

Juan Cuenca. Shapes. Art and Method
YEAR: 2018
Catalogue published on the occasion of Juan Cuenca's solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Shapes. Art and Method.

Rocío Garriga. The Mirror Rule
YEAR: 2018
Catalogue published on the occasion of Rocío Garriga's solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, The Mirror Rule.

Marcelo Brodsky. Memory Works
YEAR: 2018
Catalogue published on the occasion of Marcelo Brodsky's solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Memory Works.
Text by Andreas Huyssen

Teresa Serrano and Lucía Madriz. Killing Fields
YEAR: 2018
Catalogue published on the occasion of Teresa Serrano and Lucía Madriz's exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Killing Fields, curated by Berta Sichel.
Text by Berta Sichel

José Iges. Visible Sound
YEAR: 2018
Catalogue published on the occasion of José Iges' solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Visible Sound.
Texts by María de Alvear, Miguel Álvarez-Fernández and José Iges