Art review by Fernando Castro Flórez on YouTube | José Antonio Hernández-Diez at Freijo Gallery
January 12, 2022
Art critic Fernando Castro Flórez has made a review of our exhibition JAHD Throwback, by José Antonio Hernández-Diez, published yesterday on YouTube.The exhibition will be on view at Freijo Gallery until February 19th, 2022.
VIEW MOREMarcelo Brodsky talks in Dialect CA2M | 1968: The Fire of Ideas
December 22, 2021
Marcelo Brodsky talks about his work Madrid, 1968, part of the series 1968: The Fire of Ideas, which is part of the CA2M collection and is currently on view in the exhibition Dialect CA2M. This piece, as well as other works from the same series, can also be seen at Freijo Gallery in the artist's solo exhibition, 1968:...
VIEW MOREThe opening of the project "The Edge", by Álvaro Laiz, will soon take place at the University Museum of Navarra.
December 11, 2021
The opening of Álvaro Laiz's exhibition will take place next spring in the new season of the University Museum of Navarra (MUN). Laiz will bring to the exhibition halls of the MUN his project "The Edge", which can be visited from April 7. In it, Laiz recreates the journey made by Paleo-Siberian populations that, 20,000...
VIEW MOREReview of Marcelo Brodsky's exhibition "1968: The Fire of Ideas" by theorist Luis Francisco Pérez
November 30, 2021
Theorist Luis Francisco Perez posted on November 27th, 2021 on Facebook a review of Marcelo Brodsky's exhibition 1968: The Fire of Ideas at Freijo Gallery. "In the current exhibition, titled "1968: The Fire of Ideas", private memory has disappeared in favor of shared plural memory, although personal memory (lowercase...
VIEW MOREPoem book "Alfabeto de sombras (Música líquida)" by Bartolomé Ferrando
November 23, 2021
The Cultural Association L.U.P.I. La Única Puerta a la Izquierda has published the new collection of poems by Bartolomé Ferrando, entitled Alfabeto de sombras (Música líquida). In the words of Antonio Gómez, it is a risky and audacious collection of poems. It is an open window to the present, a whole adventure in which...
VIEW MORERaquel Manchado at the Cineteca of Matadero Madrid | Rizoma Festival
November 20, 2021
On November 26th at 9.00 pm, the event ShowandTell: VIOLENCIAS IRL (in real life) will take place at the Cineteca of Matadero Madrid, on the occasion of the Rizoma Festival. RIZOMA opens a space in its program to show and denounce violence "in real life". Eight invited artists and collectives, from disciplines such as...
VIEW MOREMarcelo Brodsky at the Tokyo Institute of Photography
November 18, 2021
As of December 1st, 2021, Marcelo Brodsky's exhibition Stand for Democracy in Myanmar will be on view at the Tokyo Institute of Photography.
VIEW MOREMarisa González | Symposium "Xerography: Women Artists, 1965–1990" in Paris
November 17, 2021
Marisa González will participate in the symposium "Xerography: Women Artists, 1965-1990", which will take place on November 18th and November 19th from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm at the Institut National d'Historie de l'Art in Paris.This two-day symposium, held at the INHA in Paris, offers a state-of-the-field reflection on...
VIEW MOREOpening | Marisa González's media façade at the C3A in Córdoba
November 11, 2021
Today, Thursday, November 11th, at 8.00 p.m., the opening of the project for the media façade by Marisa González, entitled Light Till Life Ends, will take place at the C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía in Córdoba. It will be open until February 28th, 2022. Light Till Life Ends (2021), the visual is a...
VIEW MOREOpening of the Sound Installation by Concha Jerez | Parque La Libertad, Asturias
November 5, 2021
The opening of the Sound Installation Paisaje de Poetas / Paisaxe de Poetes [Landscape of Poets], by the artist Concha Jerez, will take place on Sunday, November 7th at 12.00 noon, at the Parque La Libertad in Piedras Blancas (Castrillón, Asturias), where it will be permanently on view from that date onwards. On the...
VIEW MORETraces of Violence: The German Empire in Southern Africa | Marcelo Brodsky in Berlin
November 3, 2021
The exhibition "Traces of Violence: The German Empire in Southern Africa", of the artists Marcelo Brodsky and Hildegard Titus, opened yesterday at the ARTCO gallery in Berlin and will remain open to the public until December 11th.In addition, on Friday, November 19th, between 6:30 and 7:15 p.m., a panel discussion will...
VIEW MORETribute to the Mexican film, television and theater actress Pilar Pellicer | Mexican Cultural Institute in Spain
November 2, 2021
Tomorrow, November 3rd, at 7.00 p.m., a tribute to Mexican film, television and theater actress Pilar Pellicer, a close person to Freijo Gallery and dear friend, will be held at the Mexican Cultural Institute in Spain.This actress, who passed away in 2020, starred in emblematic films such as "La Choca", "Cadena Perpetua"...
VIEW MORECA2M Dialect | Opening
October 21, 2021
Tomorrow, October 22nd the opening of the exhibition CA2M Dialect will take place at the Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, which will be open to the public until January 9th 2022. More than 400 works by 250 artists in an exhibition that installs for the first time the CA2M collections occupying all the spaces of the CA2M. Among...
VIEW MOREElena Asins in the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao | Women in Abstraction
October 19, 2021
On October 22nd, the opening of the exhibition Women in Abstraction will take place. It is an exhibition organized by the Centre Pompidou, París, in collaboration with the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. It was conceived by Christine Marcel, Chief Curator at the Centre Pompidou, and Karolina Lewandowska, Director of the Museum...
VIEW MOREArt Wednesday October 20th, with Angustias Freijo, Freijo Gallery director
October 16, 2021
On the occasion of Apertura Madrid Gallery Weekend, there will be a talk via Zoom with gallerists Adora Calvo from Adora Calvo Gallery, Angustias Freijo from Freijo Gallery, Pati Lara from The Ryder and Álvaro Alcázar from Álvaro Alcazar Gallery. Together with Elisa Hernando, CEO RedCollectors, there will be a 3D tour of...
VIEW MOREArticle in Artelogie about "Archaeology of Color", solo exhibition by David Beltrán
October 15, 2021
Suset Sánchez Sánchez has written an article, published in Artelogie, dedicated to David Beltrán's solo exhibition Archaeology of Color, which took place at Freijo Gallery between June and August 2020. "David Beltrán's latest solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery in Madrid has become an exceptional poetic compendium that...
VIEW MOREPerformance "Las Cosas" by Los Torreznos | Teatro del Barrio
October 7, 2021
On October 15th, 16th and 17th Los Torreznos present their latest performance piece, LAS COSAS, at the Teatro del Barrio in Madrid.After their last exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Words and Things ["The Order of Things"], the artist duo have continued to investigate this broad theme, giving shape to this new performative...
VIEW MOREEncounter with Concha Jerez and José Iges | Constelaciones | Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Madrid
October 5, 2021
On Thursday, October 7th at 7.30 pm, the fourth session of Constelaciones, a cycle of interviews with contemporary Spanish artists, will take place. On this occasion, Zara Fernández Moya will interview two artists who, in addition to their individual work, develop artistic projects together, characterised by an...
VIEW MOREConcha Jerez in the art magazine Tendencias del Mercado del Arte
October 2, 2021
The magazine Tendencias del Mercado del Arte dedicates an article to a work by Concha Jerez, currently included in her solo exhibition at Freijo Gallery, Measurements of Time. This article revolves around her installation entitled Our Memory is Being Stolen (2002). In the artist's own words, Our Memory is Being Stolen...
VIEW MOREBook Night at Freijo Gallery | Presentation of the artist's book by Ramón Mateos
September 29, 2021
On October 1st at 6.00 pm at Freijo Gallery, on the occasion of Book Night, we present for the first time Ramón Mateos' artist's book, Ockham's Razor, in leporello format. It is an artist's book, published in 2021, based on the exhibition which, under the same title, took place at Freijo Gallery in 2019. It includes...