Ockham's Razor
Ramón Mateos
from September 12, 2019 to November 16, 2019
The exhibition of Ramón Mateos is a visual reflection on Ockham's razor. Ockham's razor is a principle of economy or principle of parsimony (lex parsimoniae). This methodological and philosophical principle is attributed to the Franciscan friar Guillermo de Ockham (1280-1349), according to which: under equal of conditions, the simplest explanation is usually the most plausible one. This implies that, when two theories under equal conditions have the same consequences, the simplest theory is more presumable to be correct than the complex one. Ockham's razor is not considered an irrefutable principle, and certainly not a scientific result. "The simplest and most sufficient explanation is the most probable, but not necessarily the true one.
In 2021, the artist's book Ockham's Razor was published, in leporello format, based on this exhibition. It includes texts by Carlos Jiménez and Luis Francisco Pérez.