Silent places. Voiceless Calligraphies
Rocío Garriga
from January 24, 2015 to March 6, 2015
Darkness from which I descend,
I love you more than the flame
that sets limits to the world.
Rilke. The Book of Hours.
There are spaces whose limits are relative, diffuse and even only apparent; these spaces are mostly created by silence. In them inhabit the words with which we translate them, the images that we associate with them or that they present to us, the affections that we project on them.
The exhibition Silent places. Voiceless Calligraphies of the artist Rocío Garriga constitutes the attempt and the search to create and find these spaces. The title of the exhibition synthesizes, not as a closing but as a principle, a series of places that have been created to inhabit the opening of the limit. That is why it is centered on silent places, because they are spaces that tend to be isolated and to be placed far away, because place is also the state in which a thing is; that is why the word calligraphies was chosen, because by making these spaces visible we have written them in our own way.
Rhetoric in all its figures generates poetic spaces that are not defined: it is not only text, it is also image and it is in objects, in the association of their meaning and use. The rhetoric thus understood is a source of openness, it is any possible discourse, it is beyond words: it is action and result, it is found in the translation that we make of the space of silence that it itself creates, in the images that it presents to us.
There is no light in it, it is search: a search that takes place in darkness and erases the limits of the world.