Claudio Zulian. "Sevilla Ciudad. Pino Montano", 2005. 150 x 300 cm. Work featured in the exhibition.

Claudio Zulian. "Sevilla Ciudad. Pino Montano", 2005. 150 x 300 cm. Work featured in the exhibition.

Claudio Zulian's work featured in the CAAC's group exhibition curated by García-Alix

September 25, 2024

Diversity in the CAAC Collection. The Photographic Eye of Alberto García-Alix is the result of a selection made by the curator, who has explored nearly 1,450 works from the museum's collection, including the photographic work of Claudio Zulian

The photographs selected by the singular gaze of García-Alix offers a unique opportunity to appreciate the breadth and eclecticism of the CAAC's holdings.

The exhibition can be visited until 25 May 2025. 

On the occasion of the Noche en blanco Sevilla 2024, the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo will be organising guided tours of the exhibition next 4th of October. 

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