CENDEAC publishes Rocio Garriga's book "Silence and contemporary art: on the other side of the mirror"

July 12, 2024

The Centro de Documentación y Estudios Avanzados de Arte Contemporáneo (CENDEAC), within its editorial line Infraleves, publishes "Silencio y arte actual: al otro lado del espejo" (Silence and contemporary art: on the other side of the mirror) by Rocío Garriga.

Garriga departs from the assumption that within the artistic space we operate in and from silence, much more than what is naturally noticed, but also, much more than what is allowed. 

Her book, which begins with an approach to the presence of silence today and continues in the attempt to distinguish its appearances, reviews the relationship between what we see, what we know and what we want -or can- know. Understanding the phenomenon of silence in its various forms and, particularly, reflecting on how art appropriates it and why silence also appropriates art, are the axes of this text, which is a bet on current aesthetics.

You can purchase the book here.