"Nombre y coordenadas" 2016-2022 view.

"Nombre y coordenadas" 2016-2022 view.

Excerpt from the article on ArtNexus

Excerpt from the article on ArtNexus

Excerpt from the article on ArtNexus

Excerpt from the article on ArtNexus

Gina Arizpe in Galería Freijo | ArtNexus | June 2024

June 14, 2024

“With its ambivalent condition as both an act of caring and the epitome of feminized labor, weaving and its abundant symbolism open up ranges of reflection about the necropolitics of the present. In the dialectic of the visible and the hidden, Waste and omission puzzles out and unravels the logic of indolence and the thorough degradation of life under unfettered consumerism, which reduces it to a disposable resource.”

Extract from Diana Cuellar’s article on Gina Arizpe’s exhibition Waste and omission, curated by Ramón Mateos, at Galería Freijo. Published on ArtNexus’ No.122 June 2024. 

Read the full article here.