“Measurements of time”. Freijo Gallery 2021.

“Measurements of time”. Freijo Gallery 2021.

C. Jerez. “Today's Menu(s)”. ARCO 2022 El País space

C. Jerez. “Today's Menu(s)”. ARCO 2022 El País space

“Do you want to write your name with me?” Freijo 2021.

“Do you want to write your name with me?” Freijo 2021.

Freijo Gallery's archive | Delving into Concha Jerez's work

June 20, 2024

Freijo Gallery presents Concha Jerez’s archive digitisation project. 

“The experience of working with an artist who gives materiality to the ephemeral, who transforms and materialises the action, is a challenge that Freijo Gallery has been able to document. To approach the process transformed into a work of art. To record this way of making the ephemeral permanent.”

Angustias Freijo Mouliaa

Freijo Gallery director

Through “this digitalisation project, the aim is to interfere in the work of Concha Jerez, using her own method, to rescue objects, images, videos and ideas that have been lost, reintroducing them into the framework of the study of this artist's work and enabling a hauntological, counter-hegemonic, visual and sonorous re-reading.”

Excerpt from “Materialising oblivion. An Essay in Phantasmagoria in the Work of Concha Jerez” 

Jessica Janeiro Obernyer

International Advisor at Freijo Gallery and Art History PhD student

Access the archive.


With the support of the Spanish Ministry of Sports and Culture, as part of the call for the modernization and innovation of the cultural and creative industries.